by Claudia Theophilus Published 16 Sep 2004 Source : Malaysiakini
Water privatisation is taking on an increasingly serious dimension in
the developing world, particularly in the Asian region where major
transformations are underway in the organisation and management of water
Described as the oil of the 21st century, water is a major global concern mainly shared by south countries.
Water security issues has dominated many non-government organisation
and civil society forums in recent years, mainly to discuss private
efforts to reorganise water resources in terms of ownership, management,
distribution and access.
Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation (MSN) is a research based advocacy organization focusing on trade, labour and water issues in the country and the region. The organization provides research and advocacy support to trade unions, labor groups in the region, besides working with parliamentarians, media, activists and policy makers. MSN is in the International Organizing Committee of the Asia-Europe Peoples' Forum (AEPF).