Thursday, 23 June 2005

Privatisation: Govt flayed for not consulting civil society

by Adriana Nordin Manan     Published

The government today came under fire for not including the civil society in the consultative process on plans to privatise water supply and healthcare in the country.

Panelists and individuals at the 'Privatising Water and Health Services in Malaysia?' forum in Kuala Lumpur demanded increased inclusiveness in every level of the process.

Without mincing his words, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) deputy secretary-general Xavier Jayakumar, who was one of the panelists, took the government to task for not keeping the deliberation process transparent.

Wednesday, 22 June 2005

Cynical reaction over move to axe water privatisation

by Claudia Theophilus     Published 22 Jun 2005      Source : Malaysiakini

Representatives of civil society and consumer groups now want the government to take its decision to scrap privatisation of water supply services to a new level, by proving its commitment in ways that convince the public.

Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation director Charles Santiago, who has strongly opposed the privatisation move, also said Energy, Water and Communications Minister Dr Lim Keng Yaik should ensure that state governments are equally committed to the decision.

"What he is saying isn't new. In fact, he's merely repeating a similar statement that he made on April 30. I think this may only be paying lip-service," Santiago said when contacted today.

Friday, 10 June 2005

Water concessionaire taken to task for improprieties

by Roshan Jason     Published 10 Jun 2005       Source : Malaysiakini

Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Syabas) has already been issued a show-cause letter by the government but a group of concerned citizens, non-governmental organisations and politicians want more action taken against the concessionaire for other 'scandalous' activities.

They also want the authorities to answer daunting questions pertaining to the Syabas scandal and the government's water privatisation plans nationwide.

The company has been accused of flouting open tender requirements - when awarding a RM375 million tender to replace water pipes in the Klang Valley - by manipulating its outcome.