Tuesday, 28 February 2006

Double whammy from higher fuel price

by Arfaeza A Aziz     Published

Malaysians will be hit twice - and hard on both counts - by the government's decision to increase the petrol price by 30 sen with effect from today.

This is expected to take inflation and interest rates to a new high - and the worst affected will be low-income earners.

As traders are expected to react immediately by raising the prices of goods and services, few would be surprise if Bank Negara further increases its overnight policy rates (OPR).

Monday, 27 February 2006

Water bills: The peoples version

by Claudia Theophilus     Published 27 Feb 2006     Source : Malaysiakini

Why is the government so intent on privatising the country's water management when it should be funding public utilities that are operationally viable but have been denied financial assistance?

This was part of a questionnaire accompanying a memorandum submitted to the Energy, Water and Communications Ministry by the Coalition Against Water Privatisation (CAWP) in Putrajaya this afternoon.

The document contained proposed amendments to the Water Services Industry (WSI) Bill 2005 and the National Water Services Commission (SPAN) Bill 2005 which are scheduled for tabling in Parliament next month.