Tuesday, 27 February 2007

M'sia pressured to ease up on GM food regulations

by  Fauwaz Abdul Aziz     Published 27 Feb 2007    Source : Malaysiakini

The government has been urged not to bend to US pressure to scrap its proposed laws that would bring in mandatory labeling of genetically-modified (GM) foods.

Groups lobbying against the US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) said this amounts to meddling and provides yet another reason for the government not to proceed with the negotiations.

The labeling proposal is one of the provisions of the Biosafety Bill that has already been approved by the cabinet but has yet to be tabled in Parliament. The bill governs the production and sale of GM organisms and their by-products.

Monday, 26 February 2007

Gov't in 'unholy haste' over FTA

by Fauwaz Abdul Aziz     Published 26 Feb 2007    Source : Malaysiakini

Political and civil society groups today decried the government's 'unholy haste' to sign the US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and demanded that more time be allotted to deliberate the issues at stake.

They said International Trade and Industry Minister Rafidah Aziz's rush to forge a Cabinet consensus for the FTA belied not only claims that Malaysia was not beholden to US pressures, but also assurances that a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis has already been conducted.

Two weeks ago, it was reported that Rafidah briefed ministers on 58 contentious issues holding up the FTA. They are expected to submit their views this Wednesday, following which a decision would be made on whether the FTA would be feasible or not.