Thursday, 6 December 2007

Researcher: Indian M'sians dominate lowest-paid jobs

by Syed Jaymal Zahiid     Published 6 Dec 2007     Source : Malaysiakini

The Indian community in this country is ailing and no argument by any Barisan Nasional (BN) leader can rebut this fact, according to one researcher.

Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation director and researcher Charles Santiago said the recent remark by a deputy minister that the Indians were doing better than the Malays, gave the wrong impression.

Deputy Rural and Regional Development Minister Zainal Abidin Osman told the Dewan Rakyat that the household income for Indians in 2004 was RM3,456, while it was RM2,711 for the 'Malays' and RM4,437 for the Chinese.