Member of Parliament, Democratic Action Party. Malaysia
Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation (MSN, Malaysia)
Beijing, China
His Excellency Yang Jiechi, Foreign Minister of China
Honorable Heidi Hautala, Member of Parliament, Finland
Members of the IOC and NOC
I bring you greetings of peace and solidarity from the civil society in Malaysia.
It is ten years since many of us met in London in one of the earliest Asia Europe People’s Forums. Our solemn mood then was shaped very much by the fall-out of what was called the Asian economic crisis. In that context, one economy after another – Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, the Philippines – went belly-up. And the once-praised developmental model fell into disrepute.
Member of Parliament, Democratic Action Party. Malaysia
Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation (MSN, Malaysia)
Beijing, China
His Excellency Yang Jiechi, Foreign Minister of China
Honorable Heidi Hautala, Member of Parliament, Finland
Members of the IOC and NOC
I bring you greetings of peace and solidarity from the civil society in Malaysia.
It is ten years since many of us met in London in one of the earliest Asia Europe People’s Forums. Our solemn mood then was shaped very much by the fall-out of what was called the Asian economic crisis. In that context, one economy after another – Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, the Philippines – went belly-up. And the once-praised developmental model fell into disrepute.