Tuesday, 15 April 2008

MP: Seek underground water instead of building dams

by  Chan Kok Leong     Published 15 Apr 2008      Source : Malaysiakini

Klang parliamentarian Charles Santiago questioned the rational behind the Selangor government's decision to continue with the Pahang-Selangor dam project.
klscah launch civil society award 191207 charles santiago Noting that the project would bring more harmful effects than benefits, the DAP politician said that Selangor should re-consider and look at other options.

"Instead of building a dam in Pahang, which will cause many environmental and ecological detriments, the Selangor state government should explore other options.

"And while there is no guarantee (as rainfall may reduce drastically due to global warming and climate change) that a dam in Pahang will provide a steady flow of raw water to Selangor, the effects of a permanent dam are irreversible," said the 48-year-old political scientist when contacted today.