Wednesday, 20 June 2018

What is Decent Work Agenda?

(Source : ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, 2008)

The four objectives of Decent Work Agenda is expressed and which can be summarized as follows:

(i) Promoting employment by creating a sustainable institutional and economic environment in which:

      – individuals can develop and update the necessary capacities and skills they need to enable them to be productively occupied for their personal fulfilment and the common well-being;

      – all enterprises, public or private, are sustainable to enable growth and the generation of greater employment and income opportunities and prospects for all; and

      – societies can achieve their goals of economic development, good living standards and social progress;

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Santiago calls for review of medicine tender system

Source : Free Malaysia Today

Robin Augustin | June 14, 2018

PETALING JAYA: The government must investigate “bombshell” revelations about the supply of medical drugs in the national health system, and review the procurement process, says Charles Santiago of DAP, who is incoming MP for Klang.

He said the government must investigate allegations that companies linked to politicians close to the previous government had control over the supply of billions of ringgit worth of medical drugs.

Santiago, who has been vocal on the issue of high prices of medicines, said the procurement process must be reviewed if investigations proved the accuracy of yesterday’s FMT expose.