Thursday, 3 December 2015

MP laughs at TPPA clause that allows gov’t to be sued

by Blake Chen  December 3, 2015   Source : Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: Klang MP Charles Santiago has said he intends to send a letter to the Attorney-General’s Chambers in regard to the power the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) has put in the hands of foreign corporations who would have the legal right to sue the government if they so wished.

Speaking at a press conference in Parliament today, Santiago explained that the most “controversial” chapter among the thirty contained in the agreement was the one on investments.

“This chapter explains that it allows foreign corporations to sue the government, challenge Parliamentary decisions and decisions made in courts in the federal and high court level.
“The Parliament supposedly decides on the interest of the people but now it can be challenged by foreign corporations.

“Honestly, I laugh at this,” Santiago said.

According to him, the US Secretary of Defence had said that the TPPA will be upgraded to a security arrangement. This puts Malaysia in alignment with US geopolitical interests.

“A lot of governments in South East Asia are openly supporting China to oppose the US. The TPPA was signed to stop China’s influence in South East Asia,” he said.

On Tuesday, TPPA chief negotiator J Jayasiri said that Malaysia would lose its rights and obligations as a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) member if it were to withdraw from the multilateral agreement. Malaysia also had the option to revert to its original tariff rates if it withdrew.

Prior to that, Minister Mustapa Mohamed said Malaysia could exit the TPPA at any point of time without penalty.

“Malaysia can use the exit clause if it decides to leave the TPPA within six months of notice with no penalty imposed,” he had said.

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